Stories from Martin Hatchuel - Page 2
Some light entertainment for you and your guests
Think about it creatively: we could combine these stories with some art work, print them...
Gift cards, pillow gifts - everyone loves a good bed-time story!
Case study: Knysna Museums - the digital-to-history interface
Posted on Wed July 7, 2021.
Cost-effective use of a new website and posters marked with QR codes: an inexpensive method of upgrading displays and extending the reach of a small community-owned museum.
Talula: the Vivacity 20 that stars in ‘It’s a pity I didn’t bring any swords’
Posted on Tue July 6, 2021.
About Talula - the Vivacity 20 sailing yacht at the heart of Martin Hatchuel’s children’s novel, ‘It’s a pity I didn’t bring any swords’
How did the wreck of the Fredheim get into the novel, ‘It’s a pity I didn’t bring any swords?’
Posted on Wed June 23, 2021.
The ship that caused an environmental disaster in the Knysna Heads in 1897 returns as a ghost in this modern-day adventure.
New interpretive sign for the wreck of the Paquita
Posted on Thu June 3, 2021.
QR code links history in the field (well - in the sea!) to Knysna Museum
'It's a pity I didn't bring any swords' and the wreck of the Seier
Posted on Fri April 23, 2021.
Why would a ghost ship smell?
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